Brothers of the Woods Outdoors is not a paid professionally run website, we are not full time professional hunters or videographers, we do all our own camera work and editing. If you are here looking for a website to view professionally edited hunts, with perfect footage then you are in the wrong place. So please don’t judge us on the size of our kills or the quality of the footage we bring to you here because that is not what this is all about. It’s more than just videoing a kill it’s the whole journey from the pre season to the end of season. This website is dedicated to the hard working hunter that works 40 to 60 hours a week and still finds time to get out and enjoy their passion of hunting and making memories with family and friends that will last a lifetime. The Pro Staff here at Brothers of the Woods are going to bring you the hunting action as it happens, good, bad or ugly! Safe Hunting!
Meet Our Pro Staff